Step 1. Sign up to open Account

To create and maintain your websites at Olvius, please sign up for your personal account with us - click here to register. Your personal account will provide web hosting services, online web site design tools and web applications operated and hosted by
You will receive notification email with activation link. Click on the link to activate your account.

Step 2. Name of the Website and Template

To create new site, enter a desired site name and pick up one template from the list of Templates. The name for your website will be the first part of the domain.
What is good that the name can be changed at any time, i.e. your website can be easily renamed later on. Please read our terms and conditions and click on the check box if you agree.
Then browse the list of Website Templates to choose from. You may want to click on "full size" link under the Website Icon to open the Template in separate browser window to see how it looks like.

If you are happy with the chosen template, then you will just need to type your text in the boxes on the pages. Otherwise, the visual style of the template can be fully customized to fit your preferences and taste. Click "Create Website" button to have the site created for you.

Newly created site is unpublished, it is not visible on Internet and can be viewed and edited only by you as the site owner.  To make the site visible online, click on 'Publish' button on the Administrator Panel. 

Step 3. Edit the content of the pages and customize look & feel

The site can be edited online any time with your user account, regardless of its state. If the site is published and you continue editing then the revised version of the site's page appears on Internet immediately after you click 'Save Page' on the Administrator's Panel.

In the Edit Mode you will see your website exactly as it will look like for regular visitors. Hovering mouse pointer over the page's editable elements, will highlight them. Double click on element to launch HTML and Style editors to customize the element. Use 'Administrator Panel' to maintain site's pages, to reconfigure common style of the page
or the site's common frame.

Step 4. Publish the website on Internet

When you typed your text on pages, click "Publish" button on Administrator Panel.

Any changes on the site will become publicly visible as soon as you hit "Save" button.

Website Builder - create and edit pages online